I have always had a passion to paint. However, I spent most of my life ignoring it and doing things that were told to be more serious, but which did not bring me much if any joy. And then the time has taught me that you cannot ignore who you are and I have reached the point where I had to stop running from my true Self and could not avoid painting anymore.
Painting for me is an art of being myself, a way of expressing my soul and healing my body. My painting sessions are my rendezvous with myself when my soul goes dancing on canvas in all possible colors.
I never have an idea what and how I am going to paint. I paint intuitively and let a painting come by itself. The result is always a surprise not only for an outsider, but also to myself.
Since fashion design is my passion, in the future I would love to turn some of my paintings into textiles for clothes and interior decoration.
My message to all young people is: be Yourself. Do not postpone it for the future. Be Yourself Now. Since there is no other way to be happy without being Yourself. Be Yourself no matter what other people say.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/VivianeFleury.Art