Times of Youth: For those who don’t know about you and your work, can you tell us a little about yourself?
Syed Nauman: Hi there, I am Syed Nauman (Xyed Naumi) 22 years old from Pakistan. previously student of Pre-Engg but recently I joined student of National College of Arts in dept of Product design because of my passion towards Arts. I worked in several fields of art expressing my thoughts, ideas, imaginations and creativity through writing Poetry, short stories and rhymes in Both English & Urdu, Painting both traditionally & Digitally, Hand crafting & recycling stuff into decoratives & interior decor plus Photography/videography has been fields of my interest and covers alot of my artwork.
Times of Youth: How would you describe your work to someone who has never known about it?
Syed Nauman: My work describes a beautiful yet horrible view of a person’s life & the circle of his thoughts and imagination. I love to work on incompleteness & imperfection, stillness in the hustle bustle of life, strokes of rage & revenge can be clearly seen from my work, my personal artwork defines the conflict between inner core of reality, feelings & fantasy of world caused by the cruelty of people living in here & sensitivity of nature who viewed this beautiful world.
Times of Youth: What sparked your initial interest in arts?
Syed Nauman: Nature has always been my inspiration from very childhood. I spent most of my time outside playing in mud & woods which added sensitivity by keenly observing the cycle of nature where Sufferings & tragedies also sparked my interest in arts as I found it the best way to express my rage, anger, stress, what I feel, how I see things, how I want to see & feel them, where most of people wont understand.
Times of Youth: What are the biggest challenges of working in Pakistan?
Syed Nauman: Biggest challenges of working in Pakistan strikes you when it comes to a proper platform where you can express and display your work. Lack of awareness make it more difficult to interact with people through your art, only big cities have the very few platforms & its a struggle to reach there. But now because Internet artists here are interacting and collaborating in art projects, workshops and discussing their ideas and sharing experiences, its relatively easier.
Times of Youth: At what age did you start doing all this work? Has your family always been supportive of this choice of career?
Syed Nauman: I started drawing, painting from my childhood. I wrote my first poetry at the age of 13, where I had no idea of what i was doing, my family really supported me in the process of making. It was my only therapy to ease myself from all the stress and enjoy my time by expressing through it, choosing art as my profession was the hardest decision I made, facing all the negative response of relatives & society where it is believed as just a hobby not a profession but my family still supported me. I am really thankful to them for allowing me to chose my passion as my profession.
Times of Youth: Which of your projects are you most proud of and why?
Syed Nauman: I am Proud of my all personal projects as they all had a moment & memory of a state of mind, but the project am most proud of was a Painting “Inside out” in which I expressed life’s major Experiences, sufferings, Memories, Joys & my dreams.
Times of Youth: Where do you see yourself in next 5 years?
Syed Nauman: In next 5 years I see myself as a Concept Art artist. I’ll be working on some personal concept art project, designing some characters and products expanding my span of work and expressing ideas I hesitated to work on.
Times of Youth: Any message to your fans or followers via TIMES OF YOUTH?
Syed Nauman: I’ll like to deliver a message through this platform to all the people reading this including my fans/followers, that Never give up. If you have an inborn talent or you have passion you’d love to follow, from the core of your heart with all dedication and consistency work for it, earn it through your hard work, it doesnt matter in what region, profession, situations & circumstances you are in, it all depends on your dedication towards it. Failure is never a hurdle, its a challenge to boost you up when you fall and I believe if you truly want to achieve it, you can do it. Just believe in yourself!
Times of Youth: Do tell us how can fans can contact you to share their appreciation/feedback/suggestions.
Syed Nauman: You guys can contact me on my
Facebook Page: www.facebook.com/xnaumiart
deviantart Profile username : XNAUMI
instagram: @xyednaumi