A girl can’t go to school, their education is a burden for parents. We hear these words by a lot of people in our society. Yet, how can we say this when girls today perform better than boys in many spheres of life! This discrimination between education of girl child and boy child are totally unfair.
When we educate a boy, we educate one person but if we educate a girl, we educate a whole family and we educate a nation. Its really mournful to say but a lot of people among us are still living in the stone age who, thus, treat women so badly and discriminate between the education of a girl and a boy. Whereas, a civilized society completely understands that females too deserve the right of education. Girls are like lamps who lightens the way to a bright future. Girls should be educated to make themselves, their families and their nation proud.
According to UN, of the 110 million children out of school in developing nations, 60% are girls which shows that girls are systematically more disadvantaged than boys. Most of the problems in our society can be eradicated by simply educating the girl child. All the problems faced by women in this society are because of illiteracy, so they need proper education. Once they are educated, all the problems like dowry, female suicides, domestic violence, infanticide, malnutrition of women, child marriages and such issues would get vanished from our society.
There is no doubt in the fact that girls can perform better than boys.
In 2009, there was a high school test carried out in many countries where girls significantly performed better. US government studied and concluded that females tend to have a larger dedication to case and therefore could increase productivity in companies, corporations and workplaces. Therefore, we see that educating girl child not only benefits them, but also benefit our whole nation. Investing in a girl’s education is like investing in a nation. By educating a girl child we get an educated nation and a rational decrease in early child marriages and lowered population explosion.
Hence, all of us need to support education of our female counterpart of humankind. Firstly, there should be parental and community involvement. Parents need to realize that educating a girl child is equally important as educating a boy child, so they should support and encourage their daughters to get education. Secondly, there should be low costs and flexibility as some parents might not be able to afford costly education. Thirdly, there should be female teachers in schools and universities, as some conservative parents give preference to female teachers and would not send their precious daughters to an institution which only has male teachers, fearing dastardly outcomes. Several other provisions can be made in order to facilitate this dream of female education.
In conclusion, we strongly need to propagate and implement education of girls in backward or developing nations to save their future, and to save the future of their families and that of their respective nation.
Momina Zameer
Angels International College