I was born in a beautiful, small village, which was placed near the river was called Prut. It separates two countries- Moldova and Romania. The beauty of picturesque and wild nature surrounded me during my childhood. In the depths of the magic Oak forests, in summer I collected various berries, flowers and animals surrounding flavors and walked until sunset with other children. Since my childhood I felt how important it is to save and be careful with nature. I’ve loved painting since childhood, but the importance of the arts I betrayed in 22 years age. The source of ideas and inspirations for me is the nature -both green nature and animals, especially I love elephants..
The choice of my journeys often depends on whether there are elephants. They are great, very clever, kind and so big.
My next exhibition will be devoted only elephants.
Unfortunately not all people understand and properly relate to nature. They litter, scratch and don’t feel at the same time neither remorse nor the consequences that will follow it, and in fact, without nature we will just become robots, machines without a soul.. I would like to convey and encourage all people in the world to protect the nature around us.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/EcaterinaValeanuVertis