Saroush Ghouri: My name is Saroush Ghouri; born in Abu Dhabi (UAE) and raised in Karachi (Pakistan). I am thankfully born with God Gifted talent of being Creative and a good Colourist. I completed my 2 years Fine Arts Certificate in Painting and 4 years Diploma in Fine Arts as Major subject Stone Carving, from Arts Council of Karachi (ACIAC) in October 2012.
I connect to God through my Art, as I strongly believe that God is the Supreme Artist who uses Our Life for the Creation of Art.
I portray my feelings through sculptures. Within every block of stone, there dwells a spirit, waiting to be released. Direct carving is a way of freeing the spirit – my own and that of the stone. Stone carving is easy – it’s the stone that is hard part.
Saroush Ghouri: My work is always symbolic and meaningful on so many Levels. A truly and spiritual piece of Art. There is always a story or an action or a conversation in an idea, a message behind every artwork, describing rather than expressing the thoughts or moods and works of heart and those feelings which cannot be put forth. One needs to see it and think of this themselves.
Saroush Ghouri: Nothing in particular. I Believe that I have a Power to transform everything to good. I am Good Colourist since I was Kid. I used to make cards, recycle things, etc. Then ultimately GOD became my Inspiration .. I Love Nature; it is Mysteriously Magnificent Art of God.
Saroush Ghouri: I was born an Artist. I started doing all this work since when i was kid .. My family really love to see me with this abundant talent but still, they had the traditional mindset that art should not be chosen as a career-option.
Saroush Ghouri: My First Thesis exhibition titled ‘Cycle of Life’, based on God’s Nature Cycle in Everything, which I had when I was in third year of university. This happened at Arts Council in Karachi in 2011. Since I made work for this exhibition about 5 Sand stone Carved sculptures and 3 paintings. That gave boost to my inner Artist.
My Second Thesis exhibition titled “Intricacies of Life” was based on my own feelings beyond words. It made me realize that I can work under pressure and it gave me confidence in my skills.
When people like my work and Understand the message regarding that work on my Facebook page, it makes me very proud & boosts my confidence further..
Saroush Ghouri: God knows best where I would stand after five years. As far as I see I would love to be a successful good conceptual artist, hoping that lot of people love my work, exhibiting in Pakistan and many countries, and to travel and be part of artist residencies in many exciting countries.
Saroush Ghouri: “If I had all Power in the world, what will I do?”
Saroush Ghouri: Do what your Soul really enjoys and make it your job. Sky isn’t the limit. Your Belief System is. It was never Suppose to be Religion, it is All About Love & Kindness!
Positive changes come in your life by giving and receiving Love & kindness.. Stay Blessed..
Saroush Ghouri: Thank you so much Times of Youth for interviewing me! It’s been a pleasure. and Twitter