I live and work in Moscow. I’m a member of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia, International Art Fund, and a member-correspondent of Academy of Folk Art of Russia. I’ve been awarded the Gold medal of the Academy,1st place in the contest “Days of Slavic Art in Berlin” and numerous victories in international competitions in Moscow. My work has been published in prestigious Russian periodicals on art. I produce my own jewelry paintings on author’s technology (in the pictures, I use beads, bugle beads, rhinestones, cabochons, semi-precious stones).These materials are glued to a rigid substrate(hardboard) in certain directions. Beads are laid out on one piece and each bead is turned around so that we couldn’t see a hole. Work on one picture takes 6-12 months. The most difficult thing is to come up with the plot. I would like to return today’s youth to the traditions of fine art that requires skills- slim and graceful. Computer technology can’t always replace the author’s idea and handiwork.

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/pokrovova.katerina